#1.1: „What is there to see in the night sky?“
#1.2: A brief orientation in the night sky“
#1.3: „How to use Stellarium?“
#1.4: „Coordinate Systems of the night sky“
#1.5: „Focal length and Aperture“
#1.6: THE F-RATIO „fast“ vs „slow“ scopes
#1.7: Types of Telescopes
#1.8: Science behind telescopes – field curvature, coma corrector and light paths
#1.9: Telescopes, Eyepieces & Magnification
#1.10: Night Sky, Star Trails & Tracking
#1.11: Telescope Mounts – ALT/AZ vs EQ
#1.12: What is „seeing“?
#1.16: Deep Sky vs Planetary Imaging
#1.17: Stacking – Exposure Time & SNR
To be continued!