#1: Getting started

These are the very first words for my new blog. What do I aim to do with these blog posts? First of all I want to give the readers the opportunity to follow me on my astronomy path. They might be able to learn from mistakes I made, to feel the excitement I still feel with this hobby and just to have a second pool of experience. There are very few useful nights with clear skies. If one is able to read along a second set of nights that might be helpful.

Second of all this shall be a place to share my images with friends, family and interested followers. Sometimes there will be more then one version of an image. Post process editing is still a complicated beast for me. Please feel free to leave your opinion. It will give me orientation for future images.

Third of all this shall be kind of a diary for myself. Years after taking the pictures it is sometimes hard to remember what circumstances led to this particular image. What was the challenge this night? What did I learn? In what did I succeed and where did I fail? So it is always advisable to keep a night sky diary.

A pleasant quote from one of the greatest scientists Carl Sagan (1994): „It’s been said that astronomy is a humbling, and I might add, a character-building experience.“

Best wishes,
